Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday nites

I suppose everyone knows that on Wednesday night, we have Bible study.  We are studying Luke, and I know I've said it before but it is GREAT!  

Last night was no different of course, but we were talking about how Jesus was delivering a man who couldn't speak from a demon.  I had to ask, did the man know he was possessed by a demon and did the people around him know? 

There are several places in Luke where he delivers people from demons and I have wondered that so last night I just got the courage up to actually ask?

Guess what?

He (the pastor) didn't know.  

I have to say, I was waiting on one of those all knowing answers and I didn't get it.  

The bible doesn't tell us any of that, we really don't know anything about the man except he was mute.  

I guess that was the plan, don't give us all the answers so we can ask questions.  

Another interesting tidbit I have learned is that the first person  to recognize Jesus as God's son was a demon, and he was in a church.  

That goes against all those scary movies I grew up seeing.

I wonder why God didn't just smite that demon back to you-know-where.  Maybe because it gave the people around him a chance to see what he was about. 

God is good!
All the time!

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