Every day when my daughter leaves to go to school she says, Pray for me!
Sometimes she even texts me during the day with the same message, Pray for me!
It all started when she started a new school and she was playing ball (which she loves) but she didn't really know any of the people at school so she was nervous. That led to me saying just Pray about it, which led to Pray for me!
Even though ball is over, for now, we still go through the same ritual.
Pray for me.
So I do, I pray that she has a good day, and continues to make new friends. I want her to like school, I loved school, it was all about social time for me, but school isn't what it used to be I guess.
When my son was young he cried every day when I took him to school. Up until probably 5th grade. He wasn't bullied or anything, he had friends but he just didn't want me to leave him at school. He told me once he was afraid I wouldn't come back to pick him up.
So, I prayed for him a lot too. Having kids is hard! They really keep you busy, praying and running to school when you forget them. Just kidding!
Now he's almost out of school and I think I pray more now.
Mostly I pray that they will know Jesus and trust him always. If they do that then everything else will take care of itself.
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