I would like to ask for prayer for a friend who will be undergoing some tests this week for an issue that won't seem to resolve itself.
I was wondering, what brings you joy? I have the amazing ability to find joy in anything. Sometimes my timing isn't always very timely. I have a bit of a reputation as a giggler. I actually had someone tell me once not to laugh so loud, HE was embarrassed, this was a long time ago, and the relationship ended shortly thereafter.
But the point I was actually getting at was that deep down, I guess I am pretty simple. I like to see kids playing. I love to be outside, I am amazed at God's creation. I love being with my family. I love hanging out with friends. In other words, I am easily entertained.
I am so blessed! I thank God everyday for all he has given me. Especially the people in my life, those are the real blessings.
When I was reading my favorite book that I told you about, one of the things it discusses is how we live.
Do you live beyond your means? I suppose that would depend on how we define our means, I mean we have to have shelter. If you work you need transportation to get you to and from work. Of course we have to eat and have clothes. But how much is too much?
When I first got married we lived in a small house, and I am not exaggerating AT ALL, it was a 1 bedroom, 1 bath home. We could talk to each other from any where in the house. While it was small, for the 2 of us it was fine. We definitely couldn't do much entertaining, but we did cook out on occasion. We had to do it when it was warm so we could sit outside but we did it.
After our first child came along we had to add on a bedroom, and things just started to get a little too crowded. So we decided to start looking for something bigger.
We looked at some houses but then we decided to build. Found a good contractor and got started and got pregnant so, it really timed itself out perfectly.
I remember when we moved into our new house thinking how nice it would be when I get mad at my husband I would have a room to go to, I know that sounds weird, but I hadn't had a get away before so I really was looking forward to my own space.
Now, our house is not big by any means, just a 3 bedroom 2 bath home. So I don't think we went overboard or anything, but sometimes I feel like we don't need it. I am at a time in my life where new isn't necessary I guess. I like taking something old and reusing it. I think sometimes we put too much stock in things, and money.
God will provide for us, he always does. We have good jobs which I am very thankful for because I know a lot of people who are out of work. I have decent transportation, and clothes on my back. I'm doing OK.
Maybe we just need to simplify things, like the Beatles, and the disciples and live on Love!
Every day when my daughter leaves to go to school she says, Pray for me!
Sometimes she even texts me during the day with the same message, Pray for me!
It all started when she started a new school and she was playing ball (which she loves) but she didn't really know any of the people at school so she was nervous. That led to me saying just Pray about it, which led to Pray for me!
Even though ball is over, for now, we still go through the same ritual.
Pray for me.
So I do, I pray that she has a good day, and continues to make new friends. I want her to like school, I loved school, it was all about social time for me, but school isn't what it used to be I guess.
When my son was young he cried every day when I took him to school. Up until probably 5th grade. He wasn't bullied or anything, he had friends but he just didn't want me to leave him at school. He told me once he was afraid I wouldn't come back to pick him up.
So, I prayed for him a lot too. Having kids is hard! They really keep you busy, praying and running to school when you forget them. Just kidding! Now he's almost out of school and I think I pray more now.
Mostly I pray that they will know Jesus and trust him always. If they do that then everything else will take care of itself.
I suppose everyone knows that on Wednesday night, we have Bible study. We are studying Luke, and I know I've said it before but it is GREAT!
Last night was no different of course, but we were talking about how Jesus was delivering a man who couldn't speak from a demon. I had to ask, did the man know he was possessed by a demon and did the people around him know?
There are several places in Luke where he delivers people from demons and I have wondered that so last night I just got the courage up to actually ask? Guess what?
He (the pastor) didn't know.
I have to say, I was waiting on one of those all knowing answers and I didn't get it.
The bible doesn't tell us any of that, we really don't know anything about the man except he was mute.
I guess that was the plan, don't give us all the answers so we can ask questions.
Another interesting tidbit I have learned is that the first person to recognize Jesus as God's son was a demon, and he was in a church.
That goes against all those scary movies I grew up seeing. I wonder why God didn't just smite that demon back to you-know-where. Maybe because it gave the people around him a chance to see what he was about.
Last night at Bible study, we went over the story of Mary and Martha.
Now I have probably heard that story so many times that I felt like there wasn't really anything else that I could possibly take away from it. You know, how you've heard something over and over and it just starts to lose its meaning. I guess that's what happened when we read this story last night. It was past our usual dismissal time and just as the Pastor was adjourning for the night someone said you may as well go ahead and finish the chapter, so he did.
As we read it, I automatically associated myself with Martha. Now frankly, I keep myself busy, but I don't know that I really am a Martha, a lot of time I am Mary. But last night I kept thinking about how I struggle with certain things and in that respect I AM a Martha. How many times are we doing something and say to ourselves well, if Ms. Know it all would do something then it would be easier for the rest of us.
What? You don't say that? Anyway, it was like someone walked over and stepped right on my toes. The nerve, right?
I am sure that if Jesus was coming over for dinner I would want everything to be just right, but I would hope that it wouldn't take all of my focus. But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried about many things. Only one thing is important. Mary has chosen the better thing, and it will never be taken away from her." Luke 10:41,42
Mary chose the better thing. I want the better thing. Even though we still need Martha's in the world, we have to learn to balance "things" and the "one thing."