Sunday, December 26, 2010

Just Thankful

I have so much to be thankful for, my mom is home from the hospital and doing very well at that.  My family was all together, we were so blessed to be together. 

Sometimes we have to be grateful for the little things, so I am.

For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

Monday, December 6, 2010

Lessons in life!

My mother was recently put in the hospital and while we were there visiting over the weekend I was reminded by one of the other patients that God's time is not our time.

When we were visiting on Saturday, my mom was not having a good day and she wasn't really wanting to visit with us.  While I know she can't help it, it makes me feel bad, guilty even, but I can't change it.  It can make you feel pretty useless.

There was a lady sitting next to her who told me she grew up with mom.  She went on to tell me that while this may seem hard now, God has a plan that we know nothing about.  His timing is not ours and while we can't see why this is happening now, one day we will look back on it and know why this happened.

While I know in my head that God is completely in control, when we are going through something that makes no sence to us it can be hard not to ask "Why me?"

So it really meant a lot to be reminded by someone else who was in the midst of the trial so to speak that even she knows God is in control.

Sometimes it takes being reminded by someone else that everything is OK.

Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.
2 Peter 5:7

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Adjusting to Change

Over the summer my mom became ill, but we were very lucky because whatever it was went about as quickly as it came. 

Unfortunately whatever it was has returned and seems much worse this time.  I know the Internet is not always a good thing, but since she has become ill again I have come across some people with the same type of situations.  

No cure mind you, but at least I know that this kind of thing does happen and we are not alone.

The hard part is watching someone who was always such a nurturer and sweet person change before our eyes into something else.  There is hope that since she snapped out of it last time that could happen again.  That is what we are holding onto.  


I wonder how people who go through traumatic situations survive without hope.  While I know I should just let the Lord take care of it, and I really have given it to him, it is so hard not to ask why, or what good can come from such a thing.  

Last night I went to visit my mom and she wouldn't hardly look at me, when I spoke to her she would look away and ask us to leave.  There was a lady sitting next to her who had grown up in the same area as my mom and knew her sister.  

As she talked she said, you know, sometimes things happen and we don't understand why God lets them happen, but maybe in a few years we will look back and we can see that he did have a plan, we just have to trust him.

While I knew that in my heart, and I truly believe it, I was glad to hear it come from someone else.

That is hope.

Trusting in the Lord.

It's hard to not be able to just call her and talk to her like we use to, but that's where I have to adjust myself.  Things will not be the same, they will be different.  But they can still be good, I just have to keep trusting the Lord, and hoping.