Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I think I've mentioned before that our Sunday school class is doing a set of tapes about a book called, Don't put a period where God puts a comma.  (Maybe the author was an English teacher.)  

Last week she talked about something that I found a little bit exciting.  

Envision change.

She talked about how we should try to vision ourselves having or doing the things that we want to do.  Let me see if I can explain it a little better.  The way they did it was to make a list, her personal list was of 10 things that she wanted to see happen.  We're not talking about winning the lottery or anything like that, it was more changes in their lives.

One of the things she had written down was that she wanted to be able to interview other Christians about their faith journey. (At the time she worked for guidepost writing articles for them.)  She said that 5 days after making her list, she was contacted by someone at Guidepost regarding a position doing exactly what she had written down.

Coincidence?  I think not.

I wonder, do you make any type of lists?  I was thinking about it, and I am going to do it.  She did give some guidelines when making your list.  She says we should ask ourselves, will this hurt me, or someone else?  

I wondered at first how biblical this process really is, but the author pointed us to some scripture which does support her thoughts.  Mostly I think she wants us to realize that God does want wonderful things for us, if we are open to him, he will bless us.

So I decided to give it a try.  I am going to make my list today.  I will pray about it everyday, and I can't wait to see what happens.

God does tell us to expect a miracle!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Since I have been reading Radical, by David Platt, I've found myself feeling inadequate.  I definitely feel like we have become "Americanized" as Marla has said, but unfortunately I feel like I am in the minority.

I go to Bible study and I can say that I truly, love, love, love learning about the bible.  I do.  I love learning about the history and traditions of that time.  That is what makes reading it just seem to come to life to me.

But, I also feel like I don't read it enough.  We have our bible study on Wednesday nights.  Not really a huge crowd, but we all keep coming back.  Sometimes I leave there feeling like I should go right home and start reading the next chapter, but when I get home.  I have to clean up the supper dishes, or one of the kids needs me to do something for them, the point is when I get home, reality kicks in.   

I don't really want reality to kick in, is this wrong?  I have said many times that I would make time every day to read my bible.  Some days I do, but others, I don't.  I want to.  But sometimes I let life take over.

I think that is one of the things that the book warns us about.  Stop listening to what the world is saying is acceptable or what makes us a Christian, but we need to get back to the bible, and really see what it is saying.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Sometimes we are faced with choices that we really don't have any control over.  For example if the Dr. tells you that you need surgery and if you don't have it you will die, then most of us will take the Dr.'s advice and have the surgery.

One of the choices we have afterward is how we will tell the story of our surgery.

Will we praise God or will we be angry with God?

I watched a video by a woman who wrote a book, the name of it is "Don't put a period, where God puts a comma."

In it, she tells the story of how she lost her son at a young age, and how she felt she had a black cloud over her head.  She had decided to start each day by thanking God for something, like a loving husband, or a friend she could depend on.

Once she started doing that she immediately began to feel her cloud lift, and she was able to start living her life again, without the grief weighing her down.

There is something to be said for starting off your day on a positive note, it begins to show itself in other things you do throughout the day.

When we fill ourselves with good thoughts, those thoughts can change the way we view our day, and our lives.

Of course we will have problems that arise when we aren't prepared, that's why they are problems but if we remember this could be an opportunity to praise God, then we might learn something in the midst of it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

You have not because you ask not

Last Sunday, our church service was one of the most touching, sweet, emotional services that I can remember.

Our Pastor had told us that he was thinking of doing things differently, and it would be an anointing/hands on kind of service.

It was amazing!!!

He started out by reading scriptures, like the story of the lady who touched his garment in the crowds and was instantly healed!  What a miracle!  She knew that if she could just touch him, she would be healed.

Is that faith or what?

There was another story of a father asking Jesus to heal his son, because the disciples tried and they could not heal him.  (He was possessed.)  Jesus says to his disciples, You have no faith, how long must I stay with you?  He then told the boys father that all things are possible for the one who believes.  Then he cast the evil spirit from the boy.

Key:  All things are possible for the one who believes.


It was awesome, then we had an alter call and you were able to go and pray on behalf of yourself, or someone else.  Actually we were given a blank piece of paper to write down what we wanted to pray for.  

It was so moving, I knew that God was in that place.

Isn't it great to know that miracles still happen, all we have to do is believe!

Jesus said, "Go, you are healed because you believed."  At once the man could see and he followed Jesus on the road.
Mark 10:52

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Changing Times

The other day I read something that said that antidepressants are the most prescribed drugs in the United States.  

What has happened to our society, our world really, that this is where we turn when things aren't going exactly the way we want.

With that being said, I want to say I don't think there is anything wrong with taking medication when it is needed.  I am not in any way bashing antidepressants.  

My point is that we are turning to man for answers to our problems when I think maybe we should be seeking the help of God.  

When we were growing up it was completely normal to be a part of church, to be in a youth group, to talk about God.

Now, if you attend church, most of the time, you are the minority.

Why is that?  

Where are our values?


Things that are on TV now, would have been rated R, or worse, when I was growing up.  Evening shows, when most kids are watching TV have no morals to them.  Don't get me wrong, I am just as guilty of watching those shows as anyone.  But I also know they are not helping me get any closer to God.

Where I use to get in trouble for talking on the phone too long with my friends.  My kids are texting, or on Facebook.  There is not as much interaction with people.  It's acceptable that we live in neighborhoods and don't know our neighbors.  We seem to be growing away from each other instead of closer.  At this rate we should ask ourselves where we will be 10 years from now?  Is this the road we want to take?

Is this the direction the Lord intended for us to take?

I doubt it.

Today, I am thankful for my church.  While it isn't the biggest church by any means, it's actually quite small in comparison, I know almost everyone who goes there.  

We talk to each other about what is going on in our lives.  We pray for each other, a lot!!!  

We truly love each other.

That is a great gift.  That gives me strength when I am having a bad day, or when I am feeling sorry for myself for any of the many reasons that I usually feel sorry for myself.  We need to remember to turn to the one who said he would never leave us.

Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest.  Accept my teachings and learn from me, because I an gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your lives.
Matthew 11:28,29