Due to a grueling basketball schedule we weren't able to make it to the actual clean up day, but I told them I would do it during the week.
So, yesterday was the day. After I got off work, BG and I headed over to the church with our cleaning supplies and got directly to work.
Of course, while we were working we were talking about her day at school, and all the drama that high school holds for teens. And as the story began to unfold she started getting more and more agitated. The more aggravated she became the more aggravated I became.
Do teenagers ever stop complaining?
Anyway, standing there I said to her, I wonder if God gets as angry or aggravated with us, as we get with each other?
I am betting the answer is yes!
I am still reading about Moses and the Israelites, so I have read first hand about all the complaining they did and how if Moses had not intervened on their behalf, there were several times he would have destroyed them on the spot.
Do you ever wonder how God feels about all that is going on in the world today?
I wouldn't imagine he is very happy with us.
After thinking about it, I apologized to BG, and told her we should stop complaining. We should try to be a blessing to God.
So, maybe today we will try not to complain about things and to focus on Godly things and not worldly things.
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