This past weekend was our annual clean up day at our church. I had signed up for hallways and stairs, and volunteered my sweet Baby Girl to help me.
Due to a grueling basketball schedule we weren't able to make it to the actual clean up day, but I told them I would do it during the week.
So, yesterday was the day. After I got off work, BG and I headed over to the church with our cleaning supplies and got directly to work.
Of course, while we were working we were talking about her day at school, and all the drama that high school holds for teens. And as the story began to unfold she started getting more and more agitated. The more aggravated she became the more aggravated I became.
Do teenagers ever stop complaining?
Anyway, standing there I said to her, I wonder if God gets as angry or aggravated with us, as we get with each other?
I am betting the answer is yes!
I am still reading about Moses and the Israelites, so I have read first hand about all the complaining they did and how if Moses had not intervened on their behalf, there were several times he would have destroyed them on the spot.
Do you ever wonder how God feels about all that is going on in the world today?
I wouldn't imagine he is very happy with us.
After thinking about it, I apologized to BG, and told her we should stop complaining. We should try to be a blessing to God.
So, maybe today we will try not to complain about things and to focus on Godly things and not worldly things.
More on the letters to the churches.
The letter to the church of Thyatira talked about Jezebel. Apparently she was a prophetess and was leading some of the church members astray. God tells them he has given her the opportunity to repent, and she does not want to change. So she will face judgement, and it won't be pretty.
But to the ones who stay true, he will give power over the nations to everyone who wins the victory and continues to obey him.
The church of Sardis seemed to have fallen asleep. He says "Wake up!", Make yourselves stronger before what you have left dies completely. Their spirituality was dieing, and God is trying to tell them to remember. Remember all that he has done, and all that they have heard and obey. Before it's too late.
Philadelphia received the kind of letter we all want to receive. All good!!! He knows they are weak but they are obedient. And they are loved. Because of their obedience he will keep you from time of trouble that is coming to the whole world.
Laodicea can be compared to people who won't make any kind of decision. Fence sitters. They aren't sure what side they are on. They may be wealthy, but it isn't they kind of wealth that will help them in eternity. So he tells them they will be punished, because he punishes those he loves. In the hopes that they will see the error of their ways and turn back to him.
In all of the letters, God is telling us that he wants us to change because he wants us to follow him. He is giving us the opportunity to change all we have to do is take it. I love how even though he may be scolding some of them, they are always given promises if they will just come back to him. I love that they all end with, all who have ears to hear, let them listen.
Really, he couldn't get any plainer. It's not easy to change. It can be hard for us to stop doing things that we do out of habit, good or bad. I think the more time we spend growing our relationship with the Lord, the more time we will want to spend with him. But we should make time. It may not always be convenient, or we may not feel very enthusiastic about it, but who do you think wants to keep you from growing in your relationship with the Lord?
In the letters to the church there are a lot of times where Satan is mentioned. He is just as alive today as he was 2000 years ago.
Until next time.