I don't know if you have heard of it but it's where you go through your "stuff" and get rid of things you may not have used in a long time or maybe you are just cleaning house, so to speak. But since I was doing it for Lent I decided that I wouldn't just use it as an opportunity to clean out, but as an opportunity to give something good.
Saying something good I mean something that I really like, but I know that someone else could use it more than me.
It's easy to go through my closets and give away the stuff I think is out of style or seems to have shrunk in the wash, but to really give something that means something to me, that is sacrifice.
I am at a point in my life where I am trying to stop caring so much about worldly things, and trying to simplify my life, which means focusing on the important things like relationships, caring for others, seeing a need someone has and trying to fulfill it.
So as I get my bags stuffed, I want to focus on the needs of others and what I am doing to help them meet their needs. Isn't that what it's really all about? Helping each other.
Oh, I LOVE this! It really shows your heart. Love it that you are giving something good. LOVE it!