We have officially started our new bible study. We started it last week actually I just haven't had the time to tell you all about it yet, but it was fabulous!
So, I can't wait to tell you all about it. While we were reading over Chapter 1, the leader asked if we had read the whole book of Revelation, after most of us said no, he told us to have that done before the next meeting because as we read over it, he wants us to be able to look at what the whole book is saying and not just the chapter we happen to be reading. So, I read the whole thing!
When we started going over the letters to the seven churches, our leader gives us some background information on the areas of the churches and what is taking place in the towns. Makes the whole process that much more interesting to me, I love when he just makes it come to life for me.
Anyway, didn't mean to get carried away there, just got a little excited. One of the things we discussed was that in each letter, the author gives us a description of Christ, usually in the beginning and he always gives the churches a promise. Like in the letter to Ephesus, the promise is, "To those who win the victory I will give the right to eat fruit from the tree of life, which is in the garden of God." Revelation 2:7.
Not a bad promise, huh? If they will just straighten up and fly right, they get to eat from the tree of life. The warning to them was that they had left their first love, gotten away form what was most important, hmmmmm, sound familiar?
When we talked about the letters one thing we all agreed on was that there was each warning could be talking about all of us at some point in our faith journey. At some point don't we all forget what is really important? Don't we sometimes fall prey to the trappings of things/idols of this world? We all fall short. At least around here we do.
But it looked like the church of Smyrna, and the church of Philadelphia must have been on top of their game because he didn't really have anything bad to say about the way they were living. It kind of makes you stop and think, if God were going to write a letter to your church, what do you think it would say?
Are you reaching out to EVERYONE?
Are you helping the needy? Feeding the hungry?
Are we pleasing him?
I'm trying.
We just started a new bible study last week and we are reading Revelation. And because Revelation can be interpreted so many ways, we are reading it and just discussing it.
It's not really a teaching kind of study. Just something to get us thinking I guess. Last week he told us to read the whole Book, and if something really stood out to us, write it down and we would discuss it.
So that's what I've been doing, reading and writing.
What an amazing time that must have been for John, to see Heaven, and heavenly beings, and strange creatures sent to clear a path for Jesus' return. I would imaging it was hard to write it all down, surely some of it was beyond description. Sometimes as I'm reading I think of how awesome and powerful God really is, and we don't have a clue as to all that he can do. When I hear of natural disasters like the earthquake in Japan I think, even as large and devastating as that was, it doesn't compare to what he is capable of doing.
As John writes the letters to the churches he is pretty much saying OK, this is where you are lacking so fix it, get it right so you will be ready for his return.
Why is it so hard for us to do what is right? Is it because when we stand up for something considered "religious", we are labeled controversial.
And who wants that stigma, right?
Well, Jesus did, and he didn't mind saying it, I mean, look where it got him, straight to the cross.
Kind of makes you think doesn't it?
With Easter coming, for Lent I decided to do the 40 bags in 40 days challenge.
I don't know if you have heard of it but it's where you go through your "stuff" and get rid of things you may not have used in a long time or maybe you are just cleaning house, so to speak. But since I was doing it for Lent I decided that I wouldn't just use it as an opportunity to clean out, but as an opportunity to give something good.
Saying something good I mean something that I really like, but I know that someone else could use it more than me.
It's easy to go through my closets and give away the stuff I think is out of style or seems to have shrunk in the wash, but to really give something that means something to me, that is sacrifice.
I am at a point in my life where I am trying to stop caring so much about worldly things, and trying to simplify my life, which means focusing on the important things like relationships, caring for others, seeing a need someone has and trying to fulfill it.
So as I get my bags stuffed, I want to focus on the needs of others and what I am doing to help them meet their needs. Isn't that what it's really all about? Helping each other.
Do you ever feel like there is nothing but BAD things happening all around you?
The other day I was talking with a group of people and we were talking about what was going on with us, when I realized that almost everyone who was sitting there had some kind of crisis going on in their lives.
I think we have 4 church members who were hospitalized, several more who were sick. Many people who are in the caregiver role with their parents and it can be very hard to take that role on especially when they don't think they need it.
There are times when I think to myself when will things get better for them? Then I think of Job, and I realize that my God is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow.
What a comfort.