Monday, August 9, 2010

Where are the kids?

This past week was Bible school at our church.  Unfortunately, our turn out was not very good.  Mind you we are a small church, but we are in a community that seems to be thriving and yet our turn out was just plain terrible.

Our theme was Sea Quest, Diving for God's treasure.  It was actually pretty good, I enjoyed it.  This year we tried to do things a little different in hopes of getting more people to come.  

We served supper before Bible school began.

We had a class for adults, in hopes that people dropping off their kids might join in.

We had good crafts and lots of fun games outside, and let's face it, those two are normally the kids favorite things about Bible school anyway.  We even had a pool party for all the kids and their families and anyone else who wanted to come.

I was a leader which means I just guide the kids around from activity to activity.  I had three kids.


Of course, I know my kids were the best out of the whole group but I couldn't help wondering, what are we doing wrong?

What are we doing wrong?  Is this the direction that young families are heading?  Does anyone even go to church anymore?

I know that no one will answer this but I wonder how we can get people back to church?

I just don't understand it.

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