"This is the secret to living a life of happiness. As long as we have the assurance that Jesus Christ is in control, no trial is so great, no tempest so overwhelming, no crisis so crushing that He will not supply what is needed to weather the storm."
Do we really know what it is to truly sacrifice ourselves in honor of the Lord?
There are some Christians in other parts of the world who make true sacrifices every day, I don't think that we in the USA have any idea of what those sacrifices really are. An example is Asia/China. Christians are not accepted, and can be persecuted for their beliefs.
Yet, people still go and try to share the Gospel with them, because that's what we are suppose to do. I don't think I ever really realized what these people give up, have you? Think about it, they leave their families, friends, go somewhere completely foreign to them to spread the good news. That is a sacrifice.
Missionaries are definitely special people, I don't think that is something that I am cut out for, but I thank God there are people who will do it. It's not for everyone I'm sure, but what they are doing is exactly what Jesus told us to do.
We are all called to take up our cross and follow him.
Yesterday, I was thinking that I was doing a little too much complaining and wondering about why some things happen. And what I am supposed to be doing is giving praise and thanks.
Sometimes, I need a little reminding about what's right, ever happen to you? It happens to me.
Anyway, today I want to Thank God for my job, my family, (even when I feel like I can't take anymore of them, they are truly a blessing).
I am thankful that I was given the wonderful gift of joy. So many times that has gotten me through some very difficult situations.
I can honestly say that I do love my life. It is so far from perfect, but I am truly blessed.
I've been thinking a lot about our Bible school situation, and I'm just wondering if maybe we should try something a little different.
I was thinking what if we, the church, just decided to do something for the community, expecting nothing. Not expecting anyone to come back, not expecting to gain anything from it, maybe just do it because that is what the church is suppose to be doing.
I know from personal experience (family members) who say they don't go to church because church people are hypocrites. Some people say they don't have the time. They don't feel welcome. They can be a Christian without going to church. Church isn't convenient for them.
The list goes on.
Is that why people don't come to church, or is it because the church isn't reaching out to them?
This is an age old question that I feel sure you have asked yourself 1000 times, at least I have. And unfortunately, I still don't know the answer.
Why does it seem like some people are handed everything, and others who may struggle or may be trying as hard as we can to live for Christ, well they seem to get knocked down more than they get helped up.
Could it be that we are looking at it in the wrong way? Maybe we should be asking ourselves through all those hardships what we can learn from it?
Maybe we should just reach out to God and hold on. Maybe that's all he wants, and all he ever wanted.
Sometimes I think we definitely try to make things more complicated than they should be, and sometimes we just feel sorry for ourselves.
This morning I was frustrated about something that I didn't need to be, something that was really trivial. But because of the person who did it, I let it get to me and I shouldn't have.
Now what can I learn from that?
Let's see. 1. I can't control other people, only myself. Sometimes, I'm not very good at that. 2. God is in control, always has been, always will be. 3. Be a servant to others and quit worrying about what other people do.
There are probably a lot more lessons I could get out of that, but those seemed the most obvious to me.
We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. They are the people he called because that was his plan.
This past week was Bible school at our church. Unfortunately, our turn out was not very good. Mind you we are a small church, but we are in a community that seems to be thriving and yet our turn out was just plain terrible.
Our theme was Sea Quest, Diving for God's treasure. It was actually pretty good, I enjoyed it. This year we tried to do things a little different in hopes of getting more people to come.
We served supper before Bible school began.
We had a class for adults, in hopes that people dropping off their kids might join in.
We had good crafts and lots of fun games outside, and let's face it, those two are normally the kids favorite things about Bible school anyway. We even had a pool party for all the kids and their families and anyone else who wanted to come.
I was a leader which means I just guide the kids around from activity to activity. I had three kids.
Of course, I know my kids were the best out of the whole group but I couldn't help wondering, what are we doing wrong?
What are we doing wrong? Is this the direction that young families are heading? Does anyone even go to church anymore?
I know that no one will answer this but I wonder how we can get people back to church?