Tuesday, May 11, 2010


What does it mean to be lukewarm?

Are we trying to just do enough to get by?  Or, do we really want to make a difference?

How much is enough?  

How much is too much, I mean when do you say no?  

I don't think anyone who truly loves the Lord wants to say no to something we feel he wants us to do, but how do we know?

I know that I don't do enough, I mean, I do what I can, but there are still times when I just know I could be doing more.  

I wish that God still spoke to us in an audible voice like he did to Moses and Noah.  Sometimes, when something is bothering me and I have been praying about it, I can't stop talking long enough to listen to what God might be trying to say.

I know you probably don't have that problem, but I do.  When I start to pray, I have a hard time just listening.

I want to be better, so I know to get better I have to practice.  Maybe practice isn't the word I am looking for, ummm, maybe I have to just be still and listen.

Sounds too simple doesn't it.

How do you listen to God?

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