Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Helping others

Sometimes we see something that makes a real impression on us, something that moves us to make a difference for someone.

Last night we had a meeting at church and we were talking about different types of mission projects.

This Project really spoke to me.  The Central Conference Pension Initiative, is set up to help Pastors and their spouses who live in other countries that have retired and have no support.  Basically a retirement plan.

Unfortunately most of those countries don't have the funds in place to help them.

If you have a minute to look at the web site, I encourage you to do so.  These people even though they struggle, daily, they still smile.  They still have Joy, and they truly trust the Lord to provide for them.

I recently saw on a blog where a lady went to Africa with Compassion International.  She talked about how it had changed her.  She said something that I will never forget.  She told the story of the man who started that organization.  After he had come to Africa and seen terrible things, the person with him said, "Now that you have seen, what will you do?"

That is a powerful question isn't it.

Now that you have seen, what will you do?

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